Industrial Ecology Digital Lab

Industrial Ecology Digital Lab

Sustainable digital solutions for sustainability research

Sustainable digital solutions for sustainability research



Develop novel software based on common needs across the Industrial Ecology programme, thereby building an Industrial Ecology software and data toolbox.


Consolidate digital infrastructure and ease the integration of newly developed tools by providing code and data exchange standards across the group


Explore synergies with other research and research software engineering groups by connecting to similar initiatives in the sustainability and environmental research community.


what we develop

pymrio - icon

Pymrio is an open source tool for analysing global environmentally extended multi-regional input-output tables (EE MRIOs).

Country converter - icon

The country converter (coco) is a Python package to convert and match country names between different classifications and between different naming versions.

Twitter sentiment - icon

Tool to find sentiment of people talking on twitter for selected words. 

Marine Invaders - icon

The Marinvaders process data on marine invasive species from existing databases. Marine Invaders aims to facilitate the development of large-scale impact assessments of marine invasive species.

HiTEA - icon

Throughput Environmental Assessment Pipeline


Environmental Footprints Explorer - icon

Sustainable production and consumption research group specialising in MRIO analysis and development at the Industrial Ecology Programme at NTNU.

Nordic RSE - icon

The community of people writing and contributing to research software from Nordic universities, research institutes, companies and other organizations to share knowledge.

CLIMMS - icon

Climate change mitigation in the maritime sector (CLIMMS).

Atlantis - icon

Whales, waste and sea walnuts: incorporating human impacts on the marine ecosystem within life cycle impact assessment

SisAl - icon

Silicon production with low environmental impact using secondary alumi-nium and silicon product streams.

Build Stock Explorer - icon

An application for the analysis and modelling of urban building energy consumption.

Best - icon

Bioenergy's role in a sustainable future: An assessment of environment, technology, supply chains and uncertainty.

IPCC - icon

Call for data on climate footprints and costs of mitigation options within the transport sector.

Zenodo - icon

We maintaine Indecol group on Zenodo.

code repositories

Our GitLab repository - icon

Our GitLab repository

GitHub - icon

Our GitHub repository


Industrial Ecology

Industrial ecology (IndEcol) is in the core of sustainability science, connecting environmental, economic and data research to assess global environmental issues, analyse the life cycle of individual products and the material/energy flows at different geographical scales.


IndEcol uses four main methodologies: Life Cycle Assessment, Environmentally Extended Multi-Regional Input-Output analysis, Impact Assessment and Material Flow Analysis. The Industrial Ecology Programme at NTNU is one of a few places in the world covering all four methodologies, therefore providing an unique opportunity to establish an overarching digital infrastructure for coupling and integrating analytic tools and datasets across the research group.

Research tasks and projects

However, despite accumulating a vast amount of data and analysis tools, these were mainly developed for singular research tasks or projects; model integration, reuse of developed software and gathered data across the whole group remained limited.

Digital Laboratory

This motivated the establishment of the Digital Laboratory of the IndEcol Programme. Read more at:

Industrial Ecology

Industrial ecology (IndEcol) is in the core of sustainability science, connecting environmental, economic and data research to assess global environmental issues, analyse the life cycle of individual products and the material/energy flows at different geographical scales.


IndEcol uses four main methodologies: Life Cycle Assessment, Environmentally Extended Multi-Regional Input-Output analysis, Impact Assessment and Material Flow Analysis. The Industrial Ecology Programme at NTNU is one of a few places in the world covering all four methodologies, therefore providing an unique opportunity to establish an overarching digital infrastructure for coupling and integrating analytic tools and datasets across the research group.

Research tasks and projects

However, despite accumulating a vast amount of data and analysis tools, these were mainly developed for singular research tasks or projects; model integration, reuse of developed software and gathered data across the whole group remained limited.

Digital Laboratory

This motivated the establishment of the Digital Laboratory of the IndEcol Programme. Read more at:


photo of Konsatntin Stadler

Konstantin Stadler

Manager and Lead Researcher of the Digital Laboratory, Industrial Ecology Programme

Ruslan Zhuravchak

Ruslan Zhuravchak

Research Software Engineer, Industrial Ecology Programme

photo of Candy Deck

Candy Deck

Research Software Engineer, Industrial Ecology Programme

photo of Esmé Peter Maxwell

Esmé Peter Maxwell

Research Software Engineer, Industrial Ecology Programme

photo of Hazim Hussein

Hazim H.A. Hussein

Research Software Engineer, Industrial Ecology Programme

photo of Bo Huang

Bo Huang

Research Software Engineer, Industrial Ecology Programme

photo of Mohamed Badr

Mohamed Badr

PhD Candidate


photo of Radek Lonka

Radek Lonka

Research Software Engineer, Industrial Ecology Programme

Contact us

Email: IEDL@email

NTNU - Industrial Ecology Programme

Høgskoleringen 5

